Friday, January 12, 2007

The Great Face Off: Day 1

Note: This is not an advertisement. I'm writing this on my own, and not getting paid a cent, sadly.

Hehe. Get it? Face off? Face? Because it's about pimples? Hehe... never mind.

I've had horrible skin for years now. I've tried all the stuff - face washes, pimple creams, etc. It gets kind of annoying, you know.

So I saw one of those infomercials on the TV. You know, "It slices, it dices," that sort of crap. But this actually seemed to work, I hope. For starters, they had some video diagram which looked pretty smart. Secondly, Jessica Simpson was in the ad, saying how good the product was. And you can't say no to Jessica Simpson!

Technically this is Day 2, as I'm posting the morning after I've put the stuff on for the first time.


Day 1 Skin: Crap
Day 2 Skin: Let's go and find out...


And... it's still crap! It's not like I expected it to do anything overnight, but still.

On the plus side, sorta, I got to pop a pimple! That was fun.


Day 2 Skin: Crap.

I'll update this every now and then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How is this going?
