Saturday, March 3, 2007

I'm an idiot

I play this game with my friends in the car where the driver controls the radio, and we have to try and guess what songs are being played. This sounds simple, except me and my friends have little to no music knowledge. I couldn't name the #1 song in Australia (or anywhere else for that matter) right now.

So today I was playing it again. It was 2-1 (a point for each song correct, it was only a short trip). I was 1. We pulled into the driveway, and I was allowed one last chance to tie the game. What came on?

I don't know. Some song I don't know. Except... I do. Kinda sorta.

It was the song that the guy used in that "How to Kill a Brand" song, about the PS3 (as of writing, at the bottom of this page.) My friend had no idea what the song was. I only knew that. So what did I do?

I started singing the words to that.

"Sony, you went wrong, with your PS3
I'll just keep playing my 360
Hope this song has helped, you understand
Now you know how you killed your brand"

My friend laughed, knowing the song. The driver did not understand what I was on about.

Needless to say, I lost.

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